Who We Are

Derek Biddle
Owner / Broker

Derek Biddle is the owner and managing broker of Aspen Vine Realty.  He loves the Grand Valley and has called it home for over 25 years since he moved here in 1993 to attend Colorado Mesa University where he graduated with degrees in Computer Science and Business Administration.  He is a strong business leader in the community and loves what he does.  He has served on multiple leadership boards, including the Fruita Area Chamber of Commerce where he served as President for 3 years and is currently serving on the Fruita Planning Commission.  He has two daughters born and raised here, and he knows there isn’t a more well-rounded, neighborly community throughout Colorado.  He is eager to work with you and help you find your dream home or help you get the highest return on the sale of your existing home.  Contact him today to discuss your needs and he’ll take it from there.